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Co-op thief among cases at Southampton Magistrates' Court
In the Dock: Careless driver among cases heard at Magistrates' Court
In the dock - latest cases at Southampton Magistrates' Court
Latest cases heard at magistrates' court as Armani thief jailed
Laundry product thief among cases heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court
Drug drivers among cases heard at magistrates' court
In the dock - Designer coat thief among cases at magistrates' court
In the dock: Beggar pleads guilty among latest cases in Southampton's court
In the Dock - Latest cases heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court
Pensioner, 76, drove on M27 'without consideration for others'
In the Dock - Latest cases heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court
In the dock: Man with knife among latest cases at Southampton Magistrates' Court
In the Dock - Six cases heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court
In the dock - Drink driver banned from the roads for two years
In the dock: Drug drivers among those at Southampton Magistrates' Court
In the dock: Latest cases at Southampton Magistrates' Court
In the dock - latest cases at Southampton Magistrates' Court
Shoplifters who stole butter, alcohol and make-up among those in court
In the dock - latest cases at magistrates' court
In the dock: Fuel thieves among those at Southampton Magistrates' Court
In the dock - latest update from magistrates' court
In the dock - Stalker and bad drivers among those in Southampton court
In the dock: Drug driver and thieves among the latest cases at magistrates' court
In the dock - latest cases at magistrates' court
In the dock - latest cases from magistrates' court
In the dock: latest cases at magistrates' court
The latest cases in Southampton Magistrates' Court
In the dock: latest cases heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court
In the Dock - latest cases before magistrates' in city
Man who stole crate of Stella beer from Lidl appears in court
Man who stole iPhone then beat police sergeant appears in court
Drink driver slapped with £1k fine among those in court
Drink and drug drivers among those appearing at Southampton court
BMW driver caught at 102mph among M27 speeders in court
M27 drink driver banned from the roads among latest court cases
'Drunk' woman who beat up PCSO on Above Bar Street banned from pub
M27 drug driver banned from roads and fined hundreds of pounds
Shoplifters and M27 drug driver among those in court
Drink driver caught on Itchen Bridge among latest cases in court
Cadbury fiend who stole multiple chocolate bars appears in court
Mercedes driver caught drug driving on motorway among latest cases
Pensioner, 88, who damaged a window among those in court
Man who stole electric razors from Boots among those in court
Shoplifters and bad drivers among those in court
Man found with knuckle duster among latest cases in court
Man who stole 'multiple boxes' of chocolate among those in court
Drug driver who failed to stop for police among those in court
Pensioner caught speeding at 103mph on M27 among those in court
Two serial shoplifters hauled before court after stealing sprees
Woman damaged police van window and cell in Southampton
Speeders, drink and drug drivers sentenced at magistrates' court
Man jailed for harassment after making complaint to victim's employer
Man jailed for throwing bottle and setting off fire alarm at police station
Drink and drug drivers disqualified at Southampton Magistrates' Court