Test Valley Borough Council
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People divided on council plans to shut Romsey Visitor Information Centre
Application for nearly 30 homes approved for countryside
Controversial plans approved after resident complains of spike in crime
'Planning by creep': Councillors back plans to replace mobile home with house
Staff fury at Romsey Visitor Information Centre closure
Visitor information centre to close with staff laid off
Fly-tippers dump rubbish near Romsey pub
How to dispose of your Christmas tree in the Test Valley area this year
New sushi business in Hampshire town awarded council grant
'Excessively hot' orangery at popular venue improved
Plans to extend historic theatre approved
Big house extension approved by planners
Hilliers submits plans for almost 250 homes and new business centre
Councillors unite against policy which 'could lead to developers free for all'
Home extension sparks fury after neighbour accused of 'robbing' light
Weekly community initiative praised as 'lifeline' for residents
Hundreds supported by grants to help alleviate hygiene poverty
Council called bailiffs more than 1,500 times last financial year
'Devastating news' as government announces 75 per cent increase in houses per year
Man fined for fly-tipping cat carrier in a hedge
Neighbour loses quest to stop neighbour replacing a shed with a house
Almost £500,000 approved for Test Valley community projects
Butterfly enthusiasts wanted to help monitor the winged insects in Test Valley
Draft local plan to go to public consultation despite Lib Dem concerns
Man fined for fly-tipping by country lane
Plans for 'huge' equestrian facilities refused by councillors
Anger at overflowing recycling points branded a hazardous 'disgraceful mess'