Money Matters
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Money Matters: How our psychological needs shape our financial habits
Money Matters: Changes in pension are a smack in the face
Money Matters: Paying my mortgage off in retirement
Money Matters: Lifetime mortgages are badly misunderstood
Money Matters: Charade of democracy where money is king
How is the mortgage market supporting house prices?, asks Peter McGahan
Money Matters: Financial adviser speaks on house prices becoming more affordable
How to react to the housing market - an expert view
'Procrastination is my greatest sin' - Talking about life insurance must be done now
Taking a quick look at the firms rating investment opportunities
How I helped a family business when there was no will left behind
Economic impact of the Japanese earthquake
ISA Advice
With profits exodus
Banks finally easing lending
Fix my mortgage at 2.14% or gamble
Barclays financial planning- Exit stage right
Easiest way to invest
Money for nothing, but it can be for free
£96m in savings lost in fake stocks and shares
Reading the market more complicated
Changing mortgage insurance for a cheaper premium
The complicated world life insurance
Long term care - estates don’t need to be liable
Structured products and guaranteed products explained
Structured investment projects
The great mortgage rip off
Thinking of pensions
End of cheap credit is nigh
Long term care insurance
Looking at factoring
Bank ads leave a sour taste
Uncovering Hidden Charges
Complicated personal pensions
Immediate Inheritance Tax Saving
Is BP's share price undervalued?
Will house prices continue to rise?
Endowments a good idea?
Tax, tax, tax
Capital gains tax will impact on the housing market
Tax efficecncy
Ethical, green or not, how do you choose?
No surprise in the budget
120p a litre, 150p or normality?
State owned banks
With profits and how they don't work
Death of with profits - at last
Rock and a hard mountain for savers
Quantitative easing has the Red Bull effect
Potential for catastrophic losses
Obama and the banks
Property price rise
Cautious investors could lose millions
80% chance of a sovereign downgrade