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  1. Primary school scraps Easter service to ‘respect diverse religious beliefs’

  2. Pensioner told he can’t park on his drive by council - despite doing so for 20 years

  3. Letting your kids walk to school alone? This is the age the NSPCC says is old enough

  4. When should I give my child a mobile phone? NSPCC gives advice

  5. Residents' fury at teens 'smoking cannabis and vandalising flats'

  6. Underwear thief 'touched' woman he thought shared romantic intentions

  7. The new management breathing fresh life into 'Southampton's oldest pub'

  8. New trees planted in woodland illegally destroyed by landowner

  9. University of Southampton pulls out of plans to redevelop derelict leisure centre

  10. Building taped off after car smashes into corner shop

  1. Pensioner told he can’t park on his drive by council - despite doing so for 20 years

  2. Primary school scraps Easter service to ‘respect diverse religious beliefs’

  3. Councillor at forefront of bus gate scheme 'will not resign' ahead of protest

  4. Car wash and takeaway slapped with fines for employing illegal workers

  5. Campaigners line street to protest 'crazy' bus gate scheme

  6. Should Saints part ways with doomed Juric now or wait out the season?

  7. Owner speaks out after e-bike rider 'killed her dog' and 'laughed'

  8. Westquay security guards 'watched on' as mum struggled with pushchair in evacuation

  9. Bid for 20-storey student tower with 170 flats launched

  10. What we think is actually Southampton's best XI - why don't managers know theirs?