Shame on all those people who walked out on Saturday from 70 minutes onwards, and those now asking for a refund or to only pay when they win.

"You only sing when you're winning" applies to you!

Southampton FC are my club and, like many others, they will remain my club win, lose, or draw.

Tactics or team selection are not my strong points, but supporting my club is what I do and what we should all be doing right now.

As fans, you need to remember why you go to watch football. I go to meet up with friends and family and enjoy the privilege of watching my hometown club play live, top-level football.

Saturday was upsetting to watch for all those that were there, but it is on days like these that we should be standing up and roaring the team on, not walking out and literally turning our backs on the players.

When any of us are going through a tough time, we need encouragement and belief. Saints players are no different!


Paul Smart