The Sixth Commendamnt, tells the real story of 69-year-old Peter Farquhar, Anne Moore-Martin and murderer Ben Field. 

Farquahar was murdered by Fields as they shared a home in Maids Moreton and had promises of marriage as they committed to a 'betrothal ceremony'.

Field poisoned and manipulated Farquhar as he convinced the former lecturer to change his will to give Fields £20,000. 

In October 2015, Farquhar was found dead in his home, at the time it was believed he had died from alcohol poisoning however police later discovered that Field had strangled him.

Fields also manipulated Farquhar's neighbour Anne Moore-Martin, drugging and manipulating and encouraging her to change her will to include him in it. 

Daily Echo: Peter Farquhar and Anne Moore-MartinPeter Farquhar and Anne Moore-Martin (Image: PA)

In 2017, Moore-Martin suffered a seizure but was able to recover and help the police convict Fields after giving interviews and sharing evidence. 

On May 11, 2017, Moore-Martin died of natural causes. 

What happened to Ben Fields?

The then-28-year-old was found guilty of murdering Farquhar on August 9, 2019, but was cleared of conspiring to kill Moore-Martin and of her attempted murder.

Fields admitted that had poisoned Farquhar and that he "psychologically" manipulated both victims, however never admitted to his involvement in their deaths. 

Police evidence also suggests that Fields has over 100 'clients' on a list similar to Farquhar and Moore-Martin, including his parents and grandparents. 

He was later sentenced to life in prison with a minimum sentence of 36 years.