Hundreds of angry residents marched down Portswood high street to protest against a controversial bus gate scheme.

The partial closure of Portswood Road has been in force since the end of January. 

Between Westridge Road and St Denys Spur Road, Portswood Broadway is only open to buses, taxis and cyclists from 7am to 10am, and 4pm to 7pm, Monday to Saturday.

This trial will be in force until July. 

Hundreds met outside Trago Lounge at 11am on Saturday and marched down to Waitrose and back again.

(Image: Cristiano Magaglio) (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Protestors chanted: "Keep our roads safe, stop the bus gate now" as they walked, with cars beeping their horns in support as they drove by.

Lorraine Barter attended the march despite having a broken ankle. She strongly opposed the scheme, which she called "rampant stupidity".

Another resident Peter Rhodes, said: "I think pushing loads of traffic near to a junior school is unsafe. That is my main issue with the bus gate really."

READ MORE: Portswood Road bus gate: Café resorts to breakfast discount

Lorraine BarterLorraine Barter (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Many, like Martin Boorman who lives on Brookvale Road, which he has coined the "Portswood bypass", have taken issue with how the bus gate pushes commuter traffic onto residential roads.

He said: "We have been counting, and since this scheme came in, street traffic on Brookvale Road has doubled.

"We were promised all the way through that the council would ensure traffic would not go down Brookvale. 

"It has just become a living hell, it is constant. If it becomes full-time, then it will just become unbearable."

Martin BoormanMartin Boorman (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

Harry O'Connor lives on Abbotts Way, one of the residential routes affected by the bus gate.

He said it is "ridiculous", adding: "We are not a political party, we just want our road back.

"It has made traffic less safe and decreased footfall on the high street.

"They have already taken one of the traffic calming measures away because it was so dangerous.

"It causes maximum disruption to the most amount of people."

Harry O'ConnorHarry O'Connor (Image: Cristiano Magaglio)

READ MORE: Portswood bus gate statistics: Councillor Eamonn Keogh

Among the protestors was conservative Southampton City Councillor Valerie Laurent, who was clear on who she blames for the scheme.

She said: "I think Councillor  Eamonn Keogh would get a lot of respect if he had put his arms up and admitted he got it wrong and put things back as they were.

"We are very much against it, that is why I am here today. This was a vibrant shopping centre."

This is not the first protest held against the scheme.