12 Red Funnel vehicle ferry services on the Isle of Wight will be slashed tomorrow (Friday, March 14) as further repairs are required on Red Falcon.
The ferry firm has taken Red Falcon out of service after finding a fault with her propulsion system.
Red Funnel's Red Eagle ship is undergoing its annual refit, so only one ferry can operate.
The revised timetable sees 12 services cancelled tomorrow (Friday, March 14).
The 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm services from East Cowes will not sail due to extended repairs.
The 4.30am, 7.30am, 10.30am, 1.30pm, 4.30pm and 7.30pm sailings from Southampton are also off.
Red Funnel said in a statement: "Our teams are working round the clock with external contractors to address the issue, with further works necessary (including realigning of the engine timings) before we can complete sea trials, which are currently scheduled for Saturday.
"Whilst this news is disappointing, it is crucial to address the issue immediately to prevent further complications.
"With our other vehicle ferry, Red Eagle, undergoing its scheduled annual refit, we’ll be extending our revised vehicle ferry timetable."
Earlier this week, the ferry service operated on a revised timetable as two ships in the fleet were out of action.
Red Eagle was already in maintenance, while Red Falcon suffered a technical issue.
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