Can you identify the classic cars gracing these nostalgic photographs from the 1960s?

Not only do these snapshots showcase the stylish vehicles of the era, but they also offer a fascinating glimpse into the city's evolving landscape.

Our first stop is Brunswick Place in 1960. Imagine a time before towering office blocks, when this area was a mix of bustling businesses and undeveloped land.

A closer look reveals a parade of automotive gems parked along the roadside: a sleek Austin A40 Farina, a Ford Anglia, even a Riley Pathfinder.

Just two years later, in 1962, the same scene undergoes a dramatic transformation. A 14-storey office block rises from the ground, replacing the previous landscape.

Yet, amid the construction, life goes on.

A line of parked cars – a Morris Minor 1000, a Hillman Minx, and a Ford Consul – reflects the changing times.

Meanwhile, not far away on East Park Terrace, the city's new central health clinic opens its doors.

Nearby, a vacant plot serves as a makeshift car park, accommodating a quartet of vehicles: a classic Mini, a Morris Oxford, and a pair of Ford Cortinas.

Our final journey takes us to a bustling December day in 1966.

The Civic Centre clock tower looms over the scene as traffic streams along the Inner Ring Road, now known as Portland Terrace.

A colourful mix of Minis, Hillman Imps, Morris Oxfords, and Ford Anglias jostle for position, either heading towards the car park on the left or navigating the roads around the Civic Centre.

These captivating images not only showcase the iconic cars of the 1960s but also capture the essence of Southampton during this transformative decade.

From architectural changes to the ever-present automobile, they offer a nostalgic reminder of a bygone era.

So, put on your thinking caps and see if you can name all the classic cars featured in these remarkable photographs!