A pensioner has been slapped with more than £5,000 in fines for parking a campervan bought with money left to him by his late mum outside his own home.

Paul Prendergast says he feels targeted by parking wardens on the Holyrood estate, who he claims are not picking up violations by others.

The stress has led to a deterioration in his health and he has vowed not to pay the fines.

The retired dock worker and his late mother dreamed of getting a campervan to go on day trips together before her death last year, and Paul says his mum's last wish is being "tarnished".

The 62-year-old said: “I’m being targeted by the wardens. I have watched them drive into the Holyrood estate, slap a ticket on my van and leave within minutes, without even checking any others.

“I have received more than 50 tickets, all at £100 each."

Paul said this was just a handful of the fines he had been handed by the councilPaul said this was just a handful of the fines he had been handed by the council (Image: NQ) Paul's mum Evelyn May was suddenly rushed to hospital in January 2024, and died from cancer three weeks later.

One of her last wishes was for him to buy a campervan with the money she left behind.

He added: “Mum knew how important that van was to me – she wanted me to have the freedom to get out of the city – the city is all I have known my whole life.

“Now the memory of my mum and her last wishes to me are being tarnished.

“The tyres of the van don’t even touch the white line – it’s a disgrace."

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As a residential permit holder, Paul is allowed to park in a designated space near his Holyrood House flat, subject to terms and conditions.

These include a prohibition on vehicles more than five metres in length, as well as on trade vehicles and others.

Paul was unaware when he purchased the van, a Volkswagen Crafter​, that it was in contravention of the rules, but now says he is being singled out.

Paul inside his campervanPaul inside his campervan (Image: NQ) He continued: “There are plenty of company vans here that have resident permits not business permits, none of them have been targeted like I have.

“No one has come and tried to work out a solution with me, they would rather fleece me of my money.

“It’s caused me so much stress that I’m currently on anti-depressants from the doctors and have lost a good few stone in weight.

"I don’t have the money and I won’t pay it. It's scandalous.”

A spokesperson for Southampton City Council declined to comment directly, but added: “Drivers who receive a Penalty Charge Notice are entitled to submit an appeal.”