Parents and carers are urged to download a health app to help manage their children's illnesses.

This comes as emergency departments in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight have seen significantly more children this winter with coughs and sore throats compared to last year.

Between October to December, more than eight hundred children with sore throats and nearly one thousand children with coughs visited the emergency departments.

Sanjay Patel, consultant in paediatric infectious diseases working at Southampton Children’s Hospital said: "If you’re worried that your child is unwell, the Healthier Together app is a great place to start as it provides information and advice regarding your child’s health at your fingertips.

"You'll find clear information on common illnesses, including advice on what serious signs to look out for, where to seek help if required, how long their symptoms are likely to last and what you should do to keep your child comfortable.

"The app has been designed in partnership with parents to allow you to access care for your child much more easily and over 50,000 parents across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight have already downloaded the app and have found it extremely useful."

The Healthier Together app, designed by paediatricians and parents, helps users determine whether their child needs medical assistance or if the issue can be managed at home.

The app provides guidance on the most suitable services for children up to 18 years old. These include directing users to the 111 service or advising a visit to a local pharmacy, which can now treat minor illnesses like sore throats and earaches.

The app has been particularly useful this winter, being used over eleven thousand times in December alone.

The app can also assist pregnant women in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Users can create a pregnancy profile and assess symptoms using the app, which can help avoid unnecessary hospital visits.

For more information on the Healthier Together app, visit: