A petition has been launched calling for a 20mph speed limit to be introduced in a Southampton city centre road.

Residents have started a campaign pressing for the change to be made in Bernard Street.

Southampton City Council has implemented various 20mph limits to date - although some routes might be switching back to 30mph.

The e-petition, which was submitted on the local authority’s website, wants civic bosses to improve road safety in a residential area.

It says: “We the undersigned petition the council to please implement the speed limit to 20mph so the residents benefit from the same safety rights as the Oxford Street residents.

“Bernard Street East is supposed to be a 30mph speed limit and not 60mph which is often the case.

“The transport department allowed this residential area, which is part of the Old Town, to become a busy inner city thoroughfare for all traffic from both directions.

“Over the years this has become so busy it is affecting the health and safety of all residents.

“Letters have been written to the local councillors, and although the area has been tidied up, the traffic situation remains a serious problem.”

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The e-petition also makes reference to potentially making the road one-way to vehicles.

The council welcomed online requests for 20mph speed limits from October 2021 to January 2022.

A total of 47 requests were received for streets or areas where residents wanted lower speed limits, with 12 locations selected for future formal consultation.

Over the past couple of years, 20mph speed limits have been introduced in Bassett and Flowers estate, St Denys, Polygon, Old Redbridge, Shirley and Freemantle, and Woolston and Weston.

These were in addition to the existing city centre 20mph limit and some residential and school site areas.

Last year, council leader Cllr Lorna Fielker confirmed the local authority was considering reverting some of the 20mph roads in Shirley and Freemantle back to 30mph.

A public consultation on this U-turn, which relates to part of Hill Lane, Paynes Road, Romsey Road and Shirley Road, closed on January 3.

The e-petition for a 20mph speed limit in Bernard Street can be viewed online at southampton.gov.uk/moderngov/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=500000164&RPID=644393198&HPID=644393198