Urgent repairs are set to plague a busy city centre roundabout tomorrow, forcing the closure of one lane.

Southampton City Council confirmed on social media that one lane will be shut on Charlotte Place roundabout tomorrow from 5am, as 'urgent carriageway pothole' works will be completed.

The roadworks are only expected to last one day according to the council's map but could cause delays on Dorset Street, Charlotte Place, East Park Terrace and the A3024.

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In their social media post, the local authority warns drivers to plan their journeys in advance.

The council's policy for potholes is that anything less than 4cm on a road will be monitored but not automatically repaired.

If the hole has a depth of 4cm and 7.5cm - around the size of a tennis ball - it will be repaired within six months.

But if the hole is bigger than 7.5cm, the council will send out a two-person repair team within 24 hours.