A trial date has been set for a man accused of making indecent images of children.

Przemyslaw Smagiel, 32, spoke only to confirm his name and deny the charges put to him at Southampton Crown Court on Wednesday.

He is accused of being in possession of 24 indecent images of children, including 10 category A images which are the most serious.

The alleged offences are said to have taken place between April 28, 2018 and July 27, 2021.

Przemyslaw SmagielPrzemyslaw Smagiel (Image: Newsquest) READ MORE: Man found with 592 indecent images one month after turning 18

Smagiel, of The Avenue, Southampton, pleaded not guilty to three counts of making indecent photograph of a child.

He will appear before the same court on October 1 to stand trial.

The maximum sentence for possession of category A photographs is three years’ custody, while the maximum for category B photographs is 18 months’ custody.

For possession of category C images, the maximum sentence is 26 weeks’ custody.