A mother and daughter dog duo are desperately searching for a loving home or risk being separated forever – could you help them?

Mother and daughter Cara and Maya are at risk of being separated if they do not find a new owner soon.

The pair are currently in the care of the RSPCA Stubbington Ark and the staff have described the Akita and Akita Lab Cross as ‘a very friendly pair’.

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They are both very calm and are also very playful, often liking a good run off lead to chase a tennis ball.

(Image: Submitted) Cara and Maya will need a private enclosed garden which they can access regularly but should be able to be left alone for part of the day. 

A spokesperson for the Ark said: “If we don't find a home for Cara and Maya soon, we may have to consider putting them up for adoption separately which we really don't want to do.”