Fresh proposals have been tabled to develop a town centre site which includes refurbishing an ex-cinema building that dates back to the 19th century.

Halo Developments (UK) Ltd has submitted a planning application to New Forest District Council for the former Corn Exchange and an area behind the building in Market Place, Ringwood.

The applicant, who is based in the town, withdrew a larger 20-home scheme last summer following concerns over the scale and massing of the proposal.

The new project features 12 homes and commercial floorspace through demolition, refurbishment and change of use.

It includes levelling the existing car wash building and erection of a stand-alone residential property.

Consent for a redevelopment of a larger area, which included the site, featuring three office units, 12 flats and three restaurants was secured in 2008 but never implemented.

A planning statement submitted on behalf of Halo Developments by Pegasus Group said: “The application site has previously benefited from planning permission for a mixed-use scheme, however the proposals subject of this application represents a much improved scheme in terms of design, land use, landscaping and quality of accommodation for future occupants.”

The plans have a housing mix of four one-bed and eight two-bed properties, with 10 of these homes spread across the first and second floor of the former Corn Exchange building.

The planning statement said the redevelopment would contribute positively to the housing stock in the district and bring a vacant building in Ringwood town centre into a “functional and viable use”.

Plans are in place to restore the high street frontage of 2 Market Place.

The building was constructed in the 1860s, originally operating as a town hall.

It was repurposed to become a cinema in the early 20th century, trading under various names including Victoria Cinema and Regal Cinema, before being converted into an arcade of small shops and an Italian restaurant.

The main building has largely been vacant since 2002, with its final use being a nightclub.

Halo Developments acquired the site in August 2023.

The application is currently being assessed by council planners, with a public consultation closing on January 17.