Southampton has been ranked as the twentieth most stressful city to work in across Europe.

A study conducted by design tool CVwizard, analysed Europe’s most stressful cities to work in.

The study examined factors such as working hours, commute times, cost of living, job availability and unemployment rate.

In Southampton the 40-hour work week, 17-minute commutes per 10km, living expenses of more than £1,000 per month and low job availability all contribute to high stress levels. 

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Southampton ranked twentieth in the European City Stress Index alongside Stockholm in Sweden and Cologne in Germany.

Athens topped the list – with Milan and Rome completing the top three cities that are most stressful to work in.

Madrid, Barcelona, and Naples all featured in the top 10.

Liverpool was deemed the most stressful British city to work in for employees, as Manchester, Glasgow, and Bristol all featured.