An inspector has issued a warning after a worker fell 10 metres from a barn roof trying to repair its roof following a fire.

Dodwell Farm Ltd was slapped with a £133,000 following the accident in February of 2023.

As reported, 37-year-old Adam Rose, from Bursledon, was fixing new panels to the timbers when he fell 10 meters to the concrete ground below.

READ MORE: Man breaks back in fall from barn roof while repairing it after fire

Speaking after a hearing at Southampton Magistrates’ Court on January 3, Health and Safety Executive (HSE) inspector Nicola Pinckey said: “Too many workers are injured and killed every year as a result of falling from height.

“The sentence imposed on Dodwell Farm Limited should underline to everyone who carries out work at height that the courts, and HSE, take a failure to follow the regulations extremely seriously.

“Measures to prevent the accident, such as avoiding working from the roof, protecting fragile surfaces and having netting in place, are well known and readily available.

“HSE will not hesitate to take action against companies which do not do all that they should to keep people safe.”

An investigation found that safety measures such as barriers, netting or access equipment were not in place at the Bursledon farm.

Dodwell Farm Limited had failed to take appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of workers, and others affected by the work, when replacing the barn roof.