Gosport residents are divided over plans to move a car wash despite those behind the scheme saying it will create jobs.

Abid Mahmoud of Abid’s Hand Car Wash has applied for a change of use for Motor Haven at 133 Forton Road from a car sales site to a car wash and valeting service. 

Abid’s currently operates from Unit 15 at Toronto Place, but the site, on the same trading estate, limits the number of cars that can be valeted. 

The planning statement said the move to Forton Road would mean an efficient operation while creating three new jobs.

The planning application to Gosport Borough Council said the car wash would be open from Monday to Sunday, 8am to 6pm each day. The site is next to the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses and St John’s Church.

Of 24 public comments, there are 16 in favour and eight objections. While there is overwhelming support, there are objections due to fears of noise pollution from the jet wash equipment, traffic congestion, environmental issues around chemical usage, aesthetic and operating hours. 

Louis Crowe, who runs Quay West Studio at St John’s, said his business is especially vulnerable to noise pollution. He said: “The construction process, coupled with the daily operational noise from pressure washers, car engines, and general activity, would create a significant disturbance.”

Maya Simpson, who works at Quay West Studio, said she objected on grounds of lack of parking, adding: “I also believe it will make the area look unattractive and we are working hard to make it a nicer place.”

Supporter Dr Steve Bruel said: “This to be the relocation of an existing business on the same trading estate. Because of this I don’t feel it will cause any further impact on the current traffic situation in the area.”

There is also overwhelming support for Abid’s car wash from customers it has served for more than 10 years. One, Steve Lindsell, said it’s important to support growth of local businesses in the area.

Neighbour and teacher John Barry Gillard said: “The car wash owner is an active member of the community, he works very hard to ensure his business works in harmony with the locality and is extremely approachable throughout the working day.”

Neighbouring business owner Lewis Bulger raised issues with the church causing loud noises until 10pm and its patrons parking outside his business causing issues to his trade. 

Another neighbour said “more noise comes from the church music group”.

Plans said the site will be kept visually the same with an additional free-standing canopy adjacent to the existing valet area. 

The existing offices will be turned into a waiting and staff room. The plant room/store will house the new jet wash and hoover equipment. The valeting bay will be refurbished to provide the necessary space for the operations with a new timber enclosure to the rear, said the planning statement. 

The council will decide on the application by January 24.