Two teenage boys have been arrested as police crackdown on violent disorder in Totton.

One boy, 16, was arrested on Sunday evening on suspicion of possession of a knife blade/sharp pointed article in a public place.

He was also arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon in a public place, and a public order offence.

A second 16-year-old boy from Totton was arrested on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon in a public place the same night.

READ MORE: Extra powers for police as risk of violent disorder in Totton rises

Both remain in police custody.

The arrests come after police were granted extra stop and search powers in Totton, following reports of violence and anti-social behaviour.

Additional patrols and stop and searches in the area – which covered as far as Rushington to Testwood School – were in place from 4pm on Sunday until midnight.

Section 60 powers allow officers to stop and search anyone in an area where there has either been serious violence, or that it is believed serious violence may occur imminently.