An empty waterfront restaurant could become houses if plans are approved.

Andros Loizou has applied to convert Beer Grylls at Rope Walk, Hamble into houses – again.

Mr Loizou is having another crack at developing the property into one five-bedroom house and one, one-bedroom unit after it was refused two years ago.

Planning permission was refused by Eastleigh Borough Council for several reasons, including a lack of sufficient on-site parking, and would remove a commercial space in a popular, retail area.

In the latest application, Mr Loizou said keeping it as a restaurant is “no longer viable”, with the location remaining on the market “for a significant time”.

He said: “The proposals are to reinstate the building as two dwellings utilising the clear internal separations already in place.

“This works reasonably well with the small one-bed unit facing south where all existing openings remain.

“The larger proposed five-bed would contain two small bedrooms at second floor level with the main bedroom accommodation at first floor.”

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He added that there is a lack of demand for the site as a commercial offering, considering the number of turnovers of occupants.

Mr Loizou said: “The site is located within the settlement of Hamble-le-Rice where there are many eating places to accommodate the needs of the many visitors to both the village and the river.”

Before it was Beer Grylls, the Grade II listed site was The Slipway.

Concluding, he said: “The proposal to revert the use back to that of two individual houses will not in itself be harmful to the character and appearance of the area.

“There are no significant reasons why this building should not be altered to bring it back to its original use.”

The consultation period ends on January 24 and a decision is set to be made on February 11.