A driver was clocked speeding down the M27 at 118mph on a Christmas Day joyride, police have said.

The motorway linking Southampton and Portsmouth would have been a lot less busy today than usual, as commuters sit at home unwrapping their Christmas presents.

But one driver allegedly tried to take advantage of the empty roads, speeding down one stretch at 118mph just before 1pm, police said.

The force's roads policing unit said on X: “The roads might be quiet but it's no excuse to use them as an autobahn…we are still out on patrol.

READ MORE: Police issue stark warning to prevent Christmas Day burglaries

“This driver found out the hard way.”

The driver will now face a court date for the alleged speeding charge, according to the force.

Police issued a reminder earlier in the day to keep presents away from windows if families are leaving their house on Christmas Day.

They say keeping gifts out of site will drastically reduce chances of a December 25 burglary for those not at home.