A world renowned actress, known for her work in Scorsese's The Age of Innocence and the Harry Potter franchise is coming to Mayflower Theatre in 2025. 

Known for her work on screen and stage, 83-year-old Miriam Margolyes is set to perform a live show at Mayflower Theatre in October.

A Mayflower Theatre spokesperson said: "Off the back of her sold-out 2024 tour, Miriam returns, this time spinning her A-Z wheel, diving headfirst into an eclectic alphabetised mix of life’s standout moments.

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"Miriam will invite us deeper into her world, sharing new cherished memories and razor-sharp observations–and of course, a little bit of smut. Every letter reveals a new gem from her 84 extraordinary years.

"Whether sharing daring declarations, behind-the-scenes antics, or the indignities of ageing, Miriam’s insights will touch your heart, provoke your thoughts, and leave you in stitches."

Tickets are now on sale and can be bought on the Mayflower website.