I am not a great fan of the Police and Crime Commissioner Donna Jones.

But I must complain about the knee-jerk reactions to her comments when she says: "Arresting people" is "treating the symptom and not the cause". She is absolutely correct.

But the problem is there are many people who do not like to hear the truth, especially if it is against their political agendas.

There is no excuse for the violence that we have witnessed on and off the streets and because of it, it has created a volatile situation, a two-tier justice reaction, and questionable new legislation will be forthcoming to further increase controls on free speech.

READ MORE: Donna Jones criticised for comments on Southport protests

Every political party and the outdated House of Lords created this social monster.

They all failed to curb the massive influx of illegal migrants.

There is no infrastructure put into place to integrate those thousands, many of whom are economic migrants, lawfully or otherwise.

There is no telling what their true intentions are because of our pathetic border controls.

I and millions of the silent majority have warned that if there are no curbs put in place it will lead to further strife.

That is not racist talk; it is common sense, which is so lacking in many of our politicians on this subject.

To say otherwise is a blatant lie that these same politicians are now using to hide behind for their failings.

David Hacking
