He's the top private chef spreading the joy of Hampshire produce far and wide. 

Martin Dawkins from West End, known as The Rustic Chef, talks ships, trout and Michelin stars in our meet the chef column. 

What inspired you to become a chef?

"I was inspired from a young age through a friend of my parents who was the executive chef on the Queen Mary and the Queen Elizabeth, I used to go over his house and help him cook, simple things like rock cakes, scones and Beef Wellington."

(Image: The Rustic Chef)

What was the first meal you cooked for someone else?

"The first thing I ever cooked that was successful was a Ploughmans Sausage Plait. I still use the recipe now for my sausage rolls."

Tell us a bit about your career so far...

"I started my career as a chef in the Royal Navy. After serving eight years, I decided to work in fine dining in London. Then I settled back home in Hampshire working for Alex Aitken at Le Poussin, the one Michelin Star in Brockenhurst. Since then I have been a private chef."

(Image: The Rustic Chef)

What is your proudest career moment to date?

"Probably getting my first Head Chef job at Simply Poussin and putting my own name on a plate of food."

What is your signature dish?

"Sea bass with crushed jersey royals, clams & mussels broth, samphire, micro fennel."

(Image: The Rustic Chef)

What is your favourite dish currently on your menu?

"One I am showcasing at summer food festivals is South Coast Mussels, with Mermaid Sea Salt Vodka and Tomato sauce, Fennel and Sea Herbs."

What is your favourite place to eat in Hampshire and why?

"The Jetty Southampton. Great food and great views."

What is your favourite meal to eat at home?

"Stew with Dumplings, pure comfort food."

What do you like to drink with dinner?

"Water at home, wine in a restaurant."

What is your culinary guilty pleasure?

"Sticky Toffee Pudding!"

Which key ingredient is always in your fridge?

"Butter, garlic, herbs."

(Image: The Rustic Chef)

What is your favourite Hampshire ingredient?

"Chalk Stream Trout, New Forest mushroom, New Forest strawberries."

Which chef do you most admire and why?

"Alex Aitken for what he has personally achieved. Jamie Oliver for his commitment to making cooking easy and pushing for better food in schools."

What do you think will be the next big restaurant trend?

"Healthy, simple, casual dining."

(Image: The Rustic Chef)