Southampton residents have reacted to the possibility that students may start to pay council tax.

Southampton City Council has recently published a plan to transform how it works in order to balance its books for the next financial year and beyond.

The plan said work would be done to identify ways of raising money - including looking at a levy “reducing council tax exemptions for students”.

READ MORE: Students in Southampton may be asked to pay council tax

Cabinet member for economic development Cllr Sarah Bogle said this was one of the programmes that was least developed and it was not included in the current savings proposals.

She said: "Student accommodation is a challenge for us because we don’t get either of those, so I think from my point of view it is definitely worth exploring.

"But I don’t know if we can actually prevent students not paying it unless we get primary legislation through government."

Households where all occupants are full-time students currently do not have to pay council tax.

Across the city, there are around 8,000 homes either fully or partially occupied by students - which would be affected by any changes.

Following this news, Daily Echo readers have been sharing their thoughts on Facebook on the possibility of students paying council tax.

Facebook user, Sandra Davis said: “[I] one hundred per cent agree with this.

“And, I have always said that landlords with multiple occupancies should be made to have bulk bins instead of general bins.

“Around June time, student accommodations are overflowing with rubbish, even electrical goods.

“Overtime is offered to the bin men to clear it all! Fact! So yes they should be made to pay.”

Another user, Kimmie Luhinsk said: “I've never understood why students don't have to pay council tax anyways.

“Student areas are predominantly noisy, messy and need more police attention so they should pay equally to those people who aren't students.

“I'm chronically ill and receive Pip as I'm unable to work full time - I still have to pay.”

Meanwhile, Charlotte Clark said: “Some of the richest residents in Southampton are international students.”

Another, Hollie Montgomery said: “Good, I’m glad. I live on a road full of students and they leave it in such a state, that they can’t even recycle properly and throw their rubbish in the correct bins. They have no respect for anyone else living on the road.

“However there are a select few who have common sense but that majority are overlooked.”