Southampton's Sustainable Fashion Fest returns to John Hansard Gallery for its fifth year.

The festival will run from 11am to 4pm on August 3 and offer a variety of workshops, talks and stalls, focusing on sustainable and environmentally-friendly fashion.

The non-profit community event Southampton Clothes Swap, founded in 2017, aims to highlight and discuss issues within the industry.

A key feature will be the '6 Pillars of Sustainable Fashion' talk led by Poppy Ella and a communal clothes swap.

The festival, free and open to all ages, provides an opportunity for people to share clothes they no longer need and take home pre-loved items from others.

Founder and organiser of Sustainable Fashion Fest, Libby Russell, said: "Clothes Swap runs every month and it’s an amazing community, but I felt we never had time or space to really look at the very real issues of fast fashion.

"I started Sustainable Fashion Fest to have a more in-depth look what our communities can realistically do, whilst celebrating and enjoying the fun of what’s going on in sustainable fashion."

Attendance can also be confirmed via Eventbrite, which guarantees attendees a free raffle entry.