Two Southampton women face losing their allotment after installing beehives on the plot.

Helen Ransome 55, and her friend Zoe Shelley, 65, look after the winged insects at their Athelstan Road allotment with the help of a professional beekeeper.

They did not inform Southampton City Council of the six colonies of bees - and have now been told to remove them by the end of the month.

The council has given a deadline of August 19 for the bees to be removed.

“We immediately apologised and are seeking retrospective permission,” said Zoe.

Professional beekeeper, Austin Thompson, helping setup the beehives in Southampton (Image: Helen Ransome)

“There’s been no complaints from other allotment holders, and we thought it would be a nice gift to the city as we need pollinators.

“We are in the midst of a bee crisis globally and they’re beneficial to the environment.”

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She added: “Why would you not want bees on an allotment? It’s an ideal place for them and they’re out of the way in their own space.”

Helen Ransome (Image: Helen Ransome)

Should the pair be forced to remove the bee colonies from the allotment - installed in April - they will have to be relocated outside of Southampton so as to ensure the bees do not return.

She said: “If we have to move them, we’ll need longer than two weeks as it’s a complex process that would mean emptying the hives of all the honey.

“When we initially bought the colonies there was one that didn’t survive the journey, and we would be devastated to risk that happening again.”

Bees on Athelstan Allotment (Image: Helen Ransome)

A spokesperson for Southampton City Council said: “We are working with the tenant to support the removal of the beehives as they were moved to the allotment site without consultation with the council, contrary to allotment rules.

“Southampton City Council recognises the immense value of bees to people and the planet and will work with allotment tenants to support beekeeping wherever possible.”

They added: “We encourage those who are considering keeping bees to discuss this with the allotments team as early as possible."