The Regenerate Central South conference, which recently convened at the West Downs Centre at the University of Winchester Business School, focused on key issues such as housing, planning, and regeneration.

Futurecity founder, Mr Mark Davy, hosted the event, emphasising that successful cooperation and partnership are essential for progress.

The property sector was well represented, with Mr Dominic Curran, Head of Communications at the British Property Federation, opening the housing session with a review of the BPF Manifesto on housing.

Mr Charlie Collins, Director at Savills, Mr Matthew Turpin, Public Affairs Lead at VIVID and Mr Curran examined the regional situation.

Mr Turpin, instrumental in producing a forthcoming document titled "Central South - A Call for Housing Change", offered his thoughts on local housing.

Ms Marion Baeli of 10design, lauded architect and author, underscored the environmental impact of construction and the merits of retrofit.

The ensuing dialogue involved Mr Will Purvis, Head of Communications & Marketing at Eastleigh Borough Council, Mr Austen Toone, Lead Relationship Manager at SSEN, Ms Abby Foster, Partner at Ridge, Mr Shaun Stevens, UK General Manager at EPS Water, Ms Fiona Gray, Director of Place & Engagement at Buckland Group and Ms Baeli.

Mr Tim Hancock, Chair Tor & Co, led the discussion.

The Royal Town Planning Institute's Vice President, Ms Helen Fadipe, spoke about the institute's inventive plans to simplify the planning process and recruitment in the final session.

The planning panel discussion was supervised by Ms Bryony Stala, Director at Savills, in company with Mr Ian Maguire, Director of Economy, Transport & Planning at Portsmouth City Council, Ms Katie Randall, Associate Director for Integrated Planning at Arup, Mr Tom Venables, Director at Prior & Partners and Ms Julie Pinnock, Corporate Head of Planning & Regulatory Services at Winchester City Council.

Leigh-Sara Timberlake, Business South Group CEO, said: "Our speakers ably illustrated the real desire there is to ensure the Central South UK meets its full potential, while keeping sustainability at the forefront of our activity. We look forward to further developing many of the ideas that were raised during the day."