A petition has been launched to press on with the redevelopment of homes on the former Romsey Brewery site - described as an 'eyesore' by Lib Dem councillors.

The carbuncle has been empty since 1988 and Stanborough Developments Ltd had an application approved for 211 homes in 2006.

Since then, there has been very little activity at the site, with civic chiefs growing increasingly frustrated. By 2019, just 13 homes had been built.

Now borough councillor Geoff Cooper along with local Abbey ward councillors Sandra Gidley and Nik Daas, have set up a petition to demand action.

Mr Cooper said: “The brewery site has long been an eyesore on our beautiful town. The previous Government did nothing to help local councils deliver the kind of housing their communities needed.

"Nor did they prevent developers sitting on land with planning permission, for their own profitable gain.

"Our own MP has done nothing to try and resolve this issue for the people of Romsey. Little surprise given the level of Tory party donations made by developers and building companies.

READ MORE: Romsey Brewery site: Frustration growing over undeveloped eyesore

Romsey Brewery site (Image: Newsquest)

“The new legislation will hopefully give local authorities the powers they need to force developers to get on with the business of building. At the same time ensuring we get the right type of housing and most importantly the infrastructure to support it. Finally, the community’s needs will be put ahead of the developer's wants.

“Liberal Democrats have launched a petition for residents to sign, in order to help put pressure on the government to ensure that Romsey is included in Labour’s plans alongside projects already mentioned in Liverpool, Worcester, Sutton Coldfield and Northstowe.”

Cllr Gidley added: “Over the years many people have tried to solve this problem, which is a blight on the town and an unpleasant environment for people living adjacent to the site. I welcome any moves to change planning law so that this problem can be dealt with once and for all.”

Leader of Hampshire County Council Nick Adams-King criticised the petition. He said: “The Lib Dem councillors for Romsey are fully and continually briefed on the council’s actions to press for a solution which sees homes built on the brewery site.  They will therefore fully understand that other than gathering PR for themselves the petition has no useful purpose.”

Cllr Adams-King previously said: “I recognise the enormous amount of frustration everyone in Romsey feels about the site. I share it myself. This site could provide hundreds of much needed homes in the centre of town. I hope very much we will be able to deliver the housing we not only need, but deserve, on this site and will not give up until we can do so.”

Stanborough Developments has been asked to comment. They did not respond to a similar request in April.

For more details about the petition, visit testvalleylibdems.org.uk/romsey-brewery