A Fareham school has gone from inadequate to good in its latest inspection by Ofsted.

St Columba CE Primary School was taken on by the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust after the school was judged 'inadequate' by Ofsted in 2019.

But in its most recent Ofsted report, the inspector said the school ‘is now in safe hands and going from strength to strength’.

The inspector highlighted the wide range of extracurricular activities, its ambitious curriculum and said recent changes had a positive effect on student behaviour - and attendance was high.

In the report, the inspector added: “Recent changes have made such a positive difference to pupils’ learning and behaviour.

“The trust, school leaders and staff are united in their ambition for pupils in this school

“The school’s rule of ‘be ready, respectful and safe’ is understood by all. Pupils are kind to each other. They try hard in lessons, presenting their work with pride.

“Pupils love receiving a ‘rainbow shout-out’ for following the school rules.”

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St Columba CE Primary School has 94 students.

(Image: NQ) The inspector added: “The school supports pupils to recognise and regulate their emotions and develop resilience well.

“Pupils learn about and contribute to society through fundraising and being pen pals for a local nursing home.”

Headteacher Lisa Hardy said: "We are delighted that the Ofsted report recognised the many positives for example and that expectations have risen, pupils are happy, parents have noticed the many positive changes in this very caring school.

“This is very positive for the community, this is the first time in the school’s history  the school has been judged as good.

Also reacting to the good news for the school was Mark Talbot, chief executive of the trust.

Mark said: "We are committed to building on this success and will continue to provide an excellent local school in this community.

“A huge well done to all involved.”