During my campaign, I have listened to thousands of residents over the last few months.

I was particularly keen to listen to Labour voters in Woolston. I asked the Labour voters in Woolston that voted in the local elections last month why they rejected the Labour councillor and voted Conservative.

The residents told me they had voted conservative in the local elections and would do so again in the general election on July 4.

I asked why, the residents told me that the Labour-run council was effectively bankrupt and the Labour candidate was a Spanish teacher who did not have the financial and legal skills to help residents.

For example, they said that if you had a house valued at £360,000, you wouldn’t sell it for £120,000.

That is effectively what the Labour council had done by selling One Guildhall Square for £12 million.

It was valued at £36 million in 2015. Poor decision making. The residents also said that the Labour Spanish teacher had stood in two elections and come third twice.

The Southampton North residents had rejected him in 2015 and 2017.

Clearly voters don’t want a local candidate. They want the best candidate.

By way of contrast, I am bad at languages, but have 30 years experience in finance and law.

I am vice chair of an audit committee for a council and have drafted laws.

Southampton council has well documented financial problems. Southampton City Council was recently ranked 276th in the country out of 317 councils.

The council is failing. One of the roles of MPs is to be a strong local voice for residents. If the council is failing, it’s my job to help them get it right and use the money they do have more wisely.

If you need a plumber to fix a leaky sink, you wouldn’t call a Spanish teacher to fix it.

You would call a plumber. Southampton City Council has well documented financial problems.

Therefore, the residents of Woolston told me they would vote for me.

I may not be good at speaking French, but I have the best skills for the job as MP for this great city.

Served our country. Served Southampton. Serving you.

Sidney Yankson
Conservative candidate for Southampton Itchen