Extra patrols have taken place at Salmon Leap and Testwood Lakes as part of a crackdown on illegal fishing. 

Police conducted patrols in the area on June 21 alongside colleagues from Country Watch. 

The action comes in response to illegal fishing and allows fish levels to be monitored. 

READ MORE: Extra River Itchen patrols as police crackdown on illegal fishing

Testwood Lakes, TottonTestwood Lakes, Totton (Image: Hampshire Constabulary)

A spokesperson for the force said on Facebook: "Last Friday, 21st of June 2024, Totton NPT conducted Op TRAVERSE patrols with colleagues from Country Watch.

"These were held along the rivers behind the Salmon Leap and Testwood Lakes. 

"We conduct these patrols to catch people fishing illegally. This is so fish levels can be monitored and that no harm comes to the fish in the rivers. They are animals after all.

"We also saw the team at the Education Centre at the Lakes. They were happy to see officers in the area and had a good friendly chat."

It comes after further patrols were held in Bishopstoke along the River Itchen just weeks before.