More than 300 people have signed a petition opposing plans to reopen a junction in the centre of Totton.

Hampshire County Council wants to create a new bus-only route by removing a section of pavement that separates Commercial Road from the northern end of Junction Road.

As reported in the Daily Echo, critics have warned that the controversial project could cause a major safety issue.

They say northbound buses approaching from Rumbridge Street will often have to stop at the spot where Junction Road meets Maynard Road, causing long queues and possibly leaving vehicles trapped on a level crossing.

The scheme has sparked fears that long traffic queues could leave vehicles trapped on a nearby level crossingThe scheme has sparked fears that long traffic queues could leave vehicles trapped on a nearby level crossing (Image: Newsquest)

Now Totton county councillor David Harrison has launched an online petition in a bid to block the scheme.

Cllr Harrison said it looked set to cost £1.7m - and warned the work could take longer than the five-month estimate.

READ MORE: Plan to reopen northern end of Junction Road, Totton, paused following protests about the scheme

Posting online, he said: "I am so very grateful to the over 300 people who have so far signed my petition aimed at stopping Hampshire County Council wasting money by reopening the northern end of Junction Road.

"I can genuinely say that don't know of a single local person who thinks this is a good idea.

"Worse still, I was told by an officer that the scheme might cost about £1m. However, I have since found out that the budget allocated is much more - £1.7m."

Junction Road passes the western end of Totton station, which serves the London Waterloo to Weymouth lineJunction Road passes the western end of Totton station, which serves the London Waterloo to Weymouth line (Image: Newsquest)

Cllr Harrison ended the post by issuing rallying cry to everyone who shares his opposition to the project.

He said: "If you don't want this huge sum of money wasted on a scheme that will clog up the centre of town, has little benefit and obvious disadvantages, including safety at the train gates, please sign if you haven't already done so and encourage others by sharing."

READ MORE: Safety fears over Hampshire County Council proposal to reopen junction in Totton town centre

Critics of the proposal have taken to social media.

One person described the plan as a "crazy waste of money" while another added: "That road is effectively a pedestrian area now. Crazy to open it up again to any sort of traffic."

The plan aims to improve bus services by cutting journey times between Southampton and Totton.

The county council has said: "Our officers have met with local councillors to discuss their concerns regarding the proposed bus improvement scheme at Junction Road.

"Further work is now being undertaken, seeking to address the issues raised."