The following cases have been heard at Southampton Magistrates' Court...

BENJAMIN MUBELAYI, 25, of Millbrook Road East, Southampton pleaded guilty to driving without insurance, driving without a licence, two counts of failing to provide a specimen for analysis, possessing a controlled drug of Class A (cocaine) and possessing a controlled drug of Class B (amphetamine). The incidents took place in Southampton, Hedge End and Fair Oak. Mubelayi was banned from driving for 48 months and received a 24-week sentence suspended for 12 months. He was ordered to pay £310 court costs. An order was made for the forfeiture and destruction of the drugs. 

GARETH BAGGS, 47, of Douglas Crescent, Southampton admitted to drink driving on Stoneham Cemetery Road. He was caught with 44 micrograms in 100ml of breath. Baggs was banned from driving for 12 months and fined £80. He was ordered to pay £45 court costs and a £32 surcharge.

Read our previous court round-up here

BRENDON MATAVIRE, 25, of Honeysuckle Close, Winchester pleaded guilty to drink driving on The Avenue in Southampton. He was caught with 93 micrograms of alcohol in 100ml of breath. Matavire received a one-year community order with five rehabilitation days, 80 hours of unpaid work and a 36-month driving ban. He must pay £85 court costs plus a £114 surcharge.

FLOYD GRADIDGE, 43, of Hawkley Green, Southampton admitted to a single count of theft from a shop after he stole six jars of coffee worth £45 from Co-Op in Southampton. Gradidge received a six-month conditional discharge. He must pay £45 compensation.

ALBERT PHILLIPS, 30, of Millbrook Road West pleaded guilty to two counts of theft from a shop after he stole alcohol worth £26 from One Stop in Southampton. In a separate incident, he also stole £24 worth of wine. He was fined £120 and must pay £26 compensation. Magistrates also ordered him to pay £45 towards prosecution costs.