A city lawyer has won a hollow victory in his appeal against restrictions on the number of helicopter flights to his £1.3m country mansion.

Mayus Karia, of Stapleford Lane, Durley, disputed Winchester City Council’s decision to limit the number of helicopter round-trips to the property to a maximum of two private flights per month.

The decision had been made “to protect the amenities of the occupiers of nearby properties,” in the words of the council.

Mr Karia wanted no restrictions on the number of flights he could take.

However the planning inspector, whilst upholding the appeal, limited the number of flights to 24 per year, essentially still limiting it to two per month.

Daily Echo:

Mr Karia had applied to remove the clause in question altogether.

The city council had granted planning permission to install a helipad and a basketball court.

Council planners specified that the helipad was to be used for private purposes only. Mr Karia, however, intends to use it to fly his clients in and out of Durley.

The appeal decision now states that “the helipad hereby approved shall be used for purposes ancillary to the residential use of the dwelling known as Three Gables”.

This potentially opens the door to Mr Karia to use the helipad for professional purposes.

City councillor Steve Miller downplayed the local backlash against potential disturbances caused by helicopters: “A few people have been upset by it but there hasn’t been too much of an issue.”

The original application sparked some 20 objections.

Cllr Miller did not see any cause for concern, saying that the helipad might not even be used as much as often as the twice-a-month limit.

Mr Karia and Durley Parish Council have been approached for reaction.