A man’s seaside holiday turned sour when he was bitten by a dog in an ‘unprovoked’ attack.

Nick Carter was enjoying a stroll with his partner Louise along the Warsash shoreline when he felt a sudden pressure on his leg.

The 70-year-old turned and saw a dog had bitten down on the back of his left thigh, drawing blood and tearing his shorts.

The retired police inspector from Spalding, Lincolnshire, tried to obtain details from the owners of the canine, which resulted in them allegedly hurling Louise’s phone into the sea.

READ MORE: Police dog units arrest teenager after knife reports

More than three weeks on and Nick continues to suffer because of his injuries – and is demanding justice.

Daily Echo:

He said: “The dog, a small terrier with light tan fur, was let off the lead as we passed which is when it bit me.

“Initially I thought I had been stung by an insect until I saw the cut on my left thigh.

“We tried to get details from the owners of the dog but they refused.

“When Louise went to take a picture of them, they threw her phone into the sea, all because they did not want to provide their details.

“I ran in and grabbed it but it is not waterproof, so the battery has been damaged.”

A chase then ensued as the two owners attempted to evade Nick and Louise, who continued trying to get their details.

This led the pair to Solent Breezes Holiday Park where the dog’s owners spilt up and hid from them.

Nick then called the police and officers attended the area – but the former officer is not impressed by the conduct of the force.

He said: “The police were very dismissive, unhelpful and acted as though we were the offenders.

“What would’ve happened if the dog had bitten a child on the beach?

“This is not what police officers should be doing, it is absolute madness. I feel so strongly about this – it should be investigated.”

He later attended Gosport War Memorial Hospital where he was advised to lightly dress his wound.

But his thigh remains red and sore nearly four weeks on.

Nick is hoping the owners of the dog will come forward and at least apologise.

He said: “Why are the dog owners trying to hide their identity when their dog bit me? It is outrageous.

“This couple have a dog who is out of control and they do not want to be identified.”

Hampshire Constabulary confirmed the case has been closed.

A spokesperson from the force said: “Officers attended and have conducted a number of enquiries, including speaking with the aggrieved as well as with the owners of the dog.

“If we receive further relevant information in future, then the incident may be reviewed at that time.”