A bar is bidding to keep an outdoor seating area which it first introduced to meet Covid restrictions.

Tokyo Bar in Bedford Place secured temporary approval from Southampton City Council to use a car park area for one year.

This permission lapsed in March 2022, but the venue has continued to use the space for outdoor seating, with a covered pergola and fencing.

The Japanese-themed lounge bar, which is located in Salisbury House, has now submitted an application for retrospective planning permission to make the area a permanent fixture.

A design and access statement submitted on behalf of the applicant by SDA Planning and Architecture said: “Whilst the car park was initially converted to meet Covid-19 restrictions it has now been operational for almost four years without incident. It is considered that this is a material planning consideration.

“It also demonstrates that there has been a change in people’s habits since Covid-19, with more of a desire to be outside and socialise outdoors where possible. The area would continue to operate alongside the current business with the same operating times.

“It is contended that the use and time is conducive to neighbour amenity and the late-night hub in which the premises are located.

“This is further evidenced by the fact the site has been operating in this capacity for the last four years without complaint.”

The decision to approve the temporary use of the outdoor area in 2021 was set at one year to enable the council to “review the special circumstances under which planning permission is granted for the development in order to monitor the use in relation to residential amenity”.

No public comments were made on the retrospective application during the consultation period.

The proposal is currently being assessed by city council planning officers.