A bin which has remained unemptied for more than two weeks and is overflowing with dog waste has been labelled a health hazard by a resident.

Jackie Smith, 56, walks her dog daily in Mayfield Park, Weston, and the neighbouring green space by Chamberlayne Leisure Centre.

She noticed a bin filled to the brim with dog waste bags, situated on the main path towards Weston Primary School.

It was overflowing so much that dog walkers had left bags of dog poo on top of the bin, leaving it messy and unhygienic for people walking by.

The problem got so bad that on more than one occasion, Jackie said the waste would end up scattered across the path – thought to have been as a result of animals investigating the contents of the bags the previous night, that began to smell.

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Jackie told the Echo: “Surely by this point it’s a health hazard?

“I’ve tried reporting it to the relevant department at the council, but the problem hasn’t been resolved.

“Plenty of sensible dog walkers and children going to and from school walk through that area and it’s not very nice.”

In a statement, a spokesperson for Southampton City Council said: “Our teams are investigating the issue. To report overflowing or damaged public litter bins, residents can go online or contact our Customer Services team.”

Following the council comment, members of a Weston neighbourhood group took matters into their own hands and partially emptied some of the rubbish around the bin, placing a sign on it asking for people not to use it.

Jackie added: “It just seems like the whole area hasn’t been maintained, the grass hasn’t been cut in a long time where people are often playing football or playing games and it’s been allowed to look untidy.”