Following on from the success of numerous cycle lanes, carbon-absorbing murals/foliage on structures and 20mph speed limit zones, could the forward-thinking and innovative council board members come up with a ‘unified’ scheme that would encourage citizens to walk and cycle from Woolston to the city centre and back?

Now we hear about the infinite toll Itchen bridge requiring cyclical maintenance/possible closure, could a chain ferry be built alongside?

An electric-powered ferry for foot passengers, cyclists, football fans and light vehicular traffic. An alternative to higher pollution vehicle traffic using/queuing to use the toll bridge on congested roads?

Is this a new idea? Have any other readers heard of such a contraption from the past? Did it work?

This could also help reduce the excessive pollution Southampton is infamous for, helping to edge it out of the top ten most polluted cities in England. Also, provides a ‘greener’ mode of transportation.

I guess with 50 per cent of council housing stock not fit for purpose, the successful Townhill Park redevelopment scheme, a gloomy general election looming, the innovative and illustrious SCC council members have other matters pre-occupying their valuable time.

More news, exhibits and promotional pictures of the mayor in 18th Century garb please.

David Lange
