Patients at a 'fantastic' GP surgery facing closure over a rent dispute have said they are 'so upset'.

More than 200 people attended a public meeting called over the row at St Peter's Surgery in Woolston.

GP Dr Alison Robins was praised as 'brilliant' by her patients who told the Echo they were devastated at the possible closure.

Dr Robins told the meeting that the surgery and the landlord have agreed on a new rent.

It's understood the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB) will only pay what an independent valuation office has said the rent is worth.

As reported, the GP surgery told patients it is at 'crisis point' - while the ICB said it is doing all it can to ensure a fair rent.

The surgery has 6,000 patients on the books, all of whom will need to be relocated if terms agreed between the surgery and landlord are not approved by the ICB, or new terms are not agreed.

ASA Group manages renting out St Peter’s for its owner. Director Simon Harwood said he has never experienced a case as difficult as the surgery in Woolston.

St Peter’s Surgery patients have told the Echo their thoughts on the potential closure of the GP practice.

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Shirley Edmunds, a patient of 50 years, said: “It’s ridiculous – I was so upset when I opened the letter and read the news.

Daily Echo: Shirley EdmundsShirley Edmunds (Image: NQ)“It would be so hard to adjust to a new doctor. I had been with Dr Amyn Kadri for almost 30 years.

"We have seen queues outside other surgeries – it's not like that at St Peter's.

Barbara and Graham Drew have been patients at St Peter's since 1996.

Daily Echo: Barbra and Graham Drew Barbra and Graham Drew (Image: NQ)Barbara added: “All our family are with this practice and every time one of us walks out we say ‘what a fantastic surgery’ and never have trouble getting seen quickly.

“The doctors, nurse and right down to the reception staff are so unbelievably helpful.

“I see Dr Robins; she is brilliant and we would be devastated if it closed.

Graham added: “It's magical that surgery. They can’t do enough for you.”

Mother and daughter Jeanette Miller and Lindsay Bowers have been with the practice for more than 20 years.

Daily Echo: Jeanette Miller and Lindsay Bowers Jeanette Miller and Lindsay Bowers (Image: NQ)Jeanette said: “I can’t think of a single complaint with St Peters. You get seen when you need to and the doctors treat you with such respect.

“I will be so gutted if it is taken from us.”

Lindsay added: “This issue has caused such stress and worry for residents. I hope this doesn’t go on for much longer.”

A representative from the landlord at the meeting said they want to work with the NHS and surgery to resolve the problem.

Confident resolution 'can be found'

THE director of GP care at an NHS body has said a 'resolution can be found'.

James Roach, director of primary care services for NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board (ICB), said: “St Peter's Surgery provides a valuable service to keep people healthy and well in the community. 

“This matter relates to a dispute in relation to rent between a GP practice and its landlord, and we are confident a resolution can and will be found.

“While it is not the duty of the NHS to negotiate rents or pay for rents directly, we do have a duty to ensure the NHS gets value for money when spending taxpayer’s money.

"This includes supporting GP practices to pay the appropriate amount of rent for premises to deliver primary care services which the independent district valuer sets.”

How renting GP surgery works

GP surgeries agree on rents with landlords.

The practice then applies for financial assistance towards costs from the ICB.

The ICB uses a value for money assessment to work out how much it then offers.

Any dispute can be worked out between the three parties, or taken to NHS Resolution.