A man accused of causing the death of a popular landlady by driving dangerously will appear in court next month.

Jacob King, 29, has been charged with one count of causing death while over the prescribed limit of alcohol and one count of causing death by dangerous driving.

King, of Chessel Avenue, Southampton, has not entered a plea for both charges.

Police officers received reports of a crash on West End High Street on December 10, 2022.

50-year-old Teresa Grimes – landlady of West End Brewery – was on the pavement when she was struck by a BMW.

Daily Echo:

READ MORE: Much-loved and popular pub landlady 'will be missed very much'

She sadly died at the scene.

At the time of the crash, King had 73 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

Tributes for Teresa Grimes poured in after her death, with her children describing her as ‘so witty and clever’.

King will appear before Southampton Crown Court on June 14.