Southampton neighbours have vowed to keep fighting their housing association for repairs at a "run-down" sheltered accommodation.
Kingsland Court residents are furious over what they say is Saxon Weald's failure to fix maintenance issues in the building.
Residents told the Echo they have been without a communal kitchen for months, and the communal living room and garden are unusable due to leaks. Buttons in the recently-fixed lift keep falling off too, they said.
READ MORE: Neighbours' anger as they can't use kitchen, lounge or garden due to building issues
Amanda Chambers has lived in Kingsland Court for 16 years.
She said: "Our communal kitchen is still closed, but I had close friends staying in the guest room in the building the other day, and they had no access to any cooking facilities.
"They were staying over for five days, and they had to work with snacks and Pot Noodles because the facilities just weren't there for them.
"It's an absolute disgrace that it's taking them so long to fix these issues.
"Our security has been at risk since the building's main door still hasn't been fixed.
"They (Saxon Weald) are not doing what they are legally supposed to do.
"They are supposed to keep us safe and secure."
READ MORE: Southampton Tenants Union forms to help tenants with landlordsThe kitchen's roof needs to be fixed after being damaged by a water leak (Image: Shivalika Puri)
Hazel M'Connell, 93, has lived in the building for nearly seven years.
She said: "It was not always like this. It has become worse lately.
"We still have no access to the garden or the kitchen. It's terrible.
"Something needs to be done now.
"We are asked to report issues to Saxon online, but I don't use the internet. How do I report my problems to them?
"They need to come down and speak to us in person."
The closure of the communal kitchen has led to residents not being able to access the communal lounge area and back garden.
READ MORE: Oslo Towers, Southampton: man 'paranoid' over leaking window in flatKingsland Court residents (Image: Shivalika Puri)
Saxon Weald has expressed regret over the long period of closure of the communal kitchen, garden, and living room at Kingsland Court.
The association said: "Unfortunately, the leak from the flat above the communal area has persisted despite efforts to resolve it.
"To get to the bottom of the problem once and for all, we are going to have to completely take out the flat’s existing bathroom, and take up the floor.
"This will be very disruptive to the resident, so it has been carefully planned.
"The work (started) on Monday and could take up to 10 days.
"We are unlikely to be able to open the communal kitchen until this work is complete, due to water coming through from above and potentially affecting the electrics.
"As soon as we can open the facilities safely, we will."
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