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Public Notice

Licensing Act 2003

Licensing Act 2003

Application for a Premises Licence

Name of Applicant: BP Oil UK Limited. Address: Rownhams West Motorway Service Area, Horns Drove, Rownhams, Southampton, SO16 8AP, Licensing Authority:Test Valley Borough Council. Licensing Authority
Address: The Licensing Section, Legal and Democratic Service, Test Valley Borough Council, Beech Hurst,
WeyhiTl Road, Andover, SP10 3AJ (where a record of the application may be inspected during normal office hours). Licensing Authority Website: www.testvalley.gov.uk. The applicant has applied to the Licensing
Authority for a premises licence for the above premises for the following licensable activities: The provision of late night refreshment daily between
the hours of 2300 and 0500. Any per-
son or responsible authority (as
defined by the Licensing Act 2003)
may make representations to the Licensing Authority no later than 2
September 2014. Any representations made to the Licensing Authority must
be in writing.
It is an offence knowingly or reckless-
ly to make a false statement in con-nection with this application. The
maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for this offence is £5,000. Dated: 4August2014 Winckworth Sherwood LLP, Minerva House, 5 Montague Close, London, SE1 9BB. Ref: GJRD/88/658/RPB.
Solicitors and authorised agents for
the applicant.

Published on 08/08/2014