In regards to our ‘generous’ £15 billion foreign aid budget, (Echo letters, March 21) many are not aware that this is a mere 0.7% of the entire UK budget.

Of course the NHS needs more funding, but doing this by cutting the aid budget is not the answer.

Redirecting the entire aid budget would not fix the NHS’ funding requirements – the NHS receives 18% of the UK budget – yet would have a hugely damaging impact on the world’s poorest.

Looking after people at home does not mean the world’s poorest losing out. No one in the UK is missing out on vital healthcare or other resources because of the money we are spending on the foreign aid budget.

The economic issues we face in this country will not be fixed with this 0.7% being taken away from the world’s poorest.

Perhaps we could focus more on clamping down on tax evasion instead of cutting off the people in this world who need the most support.

Let’s continue looking outwards rather than inwards when it comes to aid and be proud of the work we do overseas to provide emergency support for those fighting to survive droughts, famines and wars.

Maisie Wood
