My name's Jess Green, I'm 15 years old and am absolutely in love with writing and fashion, so naturally aspire to be in the fashion journalism industry when I'm older. I'm also quite into music as I sing and dabble in guitar.

My interest in all things fashion has accrued over the past few years- I guess you could say I'm abit of an activist when it comes to fashion, as I love knowing all of the latest styles and trends. But also love thrifty, vintage twists that inject personality and dynamics to an outfit, instead of faddish, easily dated styles.

My music taste is also quite messy! It varies from classic cult to modern music, whether it's in the charts or lesser known, more 'underground' bands. I love music from all genres and eras. Some of my favorites are: Bowie, Placebo, Radiohead, No doubt & Gwen Stefani, The Cure and loads more but I wouldn't want to bore you!

I'm really interested in journalism, as it's what I'd love to do in the future, I'm hoping that being involved with Out There will be my first stepping stone to help me secure a job in journalism when I'm older.