The council must support the Daily Echo’s ‘Reclaim Our Parks’ campaign! It’s astounding that after years of procrastination, the council is still dragging its feet on this issue.

Of course, money is tight, budgets are stretched. However, where does the council put its priorities? Another cycle lane, another collection of 20mph road signs (priority, of course, to roads with schools and housing estates), more road configurations in the city centre? Or the safety of women and children?

I was under the impression that council officials were actually elected by the people – for the people! Let’s start with improved lighting in our parks, ensuring that the main walkways are adequately lit. This would ensure all pedestrians feel much safer and help deter possible attacks and muggings. I include all city centre parks and other parks like Riverside Park – the site of several incidents already this year – in the daytime! So it is also obvious to everyone that the strategic placing of CCTV cameras would not only help deter crime both day and night, but also aid the police in capturing anyone committing sexual offences or muggings.

So come on, Council, would this be quite expensive? Of course! However, what price do you put on the possible rape, sexual assault, and muggings of our citizens and visitors? If you can’t do it all, start with some improvements NOW before Christmas trading and late-night shopping begins. Then budget for next year from April to make ALL other areas safer for people.

Councillor Fielker, please ask the Finance Department to look into an early solution. This has been an outstanding issue for far too long. Support the Echo and the people of the city.

John Carter
