A Southampton care home where staff are “attentive” has been given a Good rating.

Ashwood Rest Home on Shirey Avenue received the rating after an inspection from the Care Quality Commission.

The inspection on April 30, May 1 and 10, came as the regulator wanted assurances about how the home assessed and managed risks related to people’s safety and the care home environment. 

The care home was looking after 29 people, some of whom have dementia.

READ MORE: Care home where staff 'couldn't do enough' for patients praised by inspectors

The report said: “In this assessment, we found that the provider was very responsive to issues raised about window restrictors and robustness of risk assessments around the stairs.

“They took immediate action to ensure all window restrictors were in line with requirements. This helped to improve safety by reducing the risk of people falling from a height.

“The provider’s risk assessments around the use of stairs needed development to ensure they reflected all actions considered and taken to reduce the risks identified.”

It was also pointed out that the manager had made changes to risks assessments to improve their detail and robustness.

It added: “There were safe policies and procedures in place to maintain other aspects of the safety of the service, including risks related to fire and water safety.

“Risk assessments around people’s health and medical conditions were detailed and regularly reviewed.”

It was also noted that those living at the care home were happy with how they were being cared for.

The report said: “People were happy with the overall standard of care at the service. They told us staff were attentive and they were supported to manage risks related to their care.

“People told us they felt safe, had the appropriate levels of care and the right equipment in place to meet their needs.

“People did not raise any concerns around how accidents and incidents were responded to. They felt confident that the provider’s responses to these events helped keep them safe.”