A Southampton teenager who left a man dying on the floor after plunging a samurai sword into his back in front of his mum and brother has been jailed.

Mustafa Mokhtar, 16, left Benjamin Glasspool with a gaping wound after attacking him on Laburnum Road in the Flowers Estate in October last year.

Southampton Crown Court heard how the teenager armed himself with the weapon and got into a car with his older brother, Barry Kayley, and his mother, Nicola Kayley.

The car was then driven at speed around the estate before they came across Benjamin Glasspool and his father Simon.

Upon exiting the vehicle, both boys challenged the father and son, accusing them of chasing their family with crowbars, which they denied.

Nicola KayleyNicola Kayley (Image: Hampshire Constabulary)

But Mokhtar, not content, set about attacking Benjamin, delivering at least five blows on the legs, hands and upper body.

Benjamin then tried to run away, at which point Nicola Kayley drove closer and told her son to get in.

But he turned to her and said ‘no mum’, delivering a final blow to his back, causing the sword to become stuck in his body.

Mokhtar, his mother and brother then got into the car and drove away from the scene, causing Ben’s brother to crash his own car to avoid them as he raced to the scene.

Mr Glasspool received treatment from paramedics and neighbours at the scene and was rushed to hospital having suffered three severed ribs and a collapsed lung during the incident.

READ MORE: Daisy Dip stabbing: Southampton trial told of attempted murder

In a statement read out in court on Friday, he said: “I am still in a lot of pain since the incident.

“My misplaced rib is still very painful. Even just lying down in my bed I am in pain.

“The doctor has told me I may suffer these pains for the rest of my life. This makes me feel angry.

“I am still struggling to sleep. This is partly due to that pain and partly due to the material effect the incident has had on me. I believe it is always going to be in my head.”

The court heard how he had gone to the area after he heard his sister had been chased by a group of boys with knives.

Nicola Kayley and her two sons were later arrested but answered no comment in interview.

Police cordon at Daisy Dip in SouthamptonPolice cordon at Daisy Dip in Southampton (Image: NQ)

Mokhtar was acquitted of attempted murder following a trial in April having previously pleaded guilty to section 18 wounding with intent.

Barry Kayley, now 18, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit affray and threatening another with an offensive weapon.

Nicola Kayley, 37, admitted charges of conspiracy to commit affray, assisting an offender and driving without due care and attention.

Sentencing the trio, who all lived at Bluebell Road at the time of the attack, Judge Christopher Parker KC said they had left “Ben Glasspool in the road to die”.

He told Mokhtar: “The assault was persistent and you didn’t stop even when your own mother finally came to her senses.

“You do pose a risk of serious harm to the public. You demonstrated entirely unregulated planned violence.

“It’s only a matter of good faith that there is not a murder charge to follow.”

Prosecutor, Charles Gabb added that the weapon used in the attack had been bought for Mokhtar by his mother for around $200 on the internet.

Mokhtar was sentenced to four years and four months detention with a three-year extended licence period.

His brother received 11 months of detention whilst his mother was jailed for 31 months.

Barry McElduff, representing Mokhtar said his client has learning difficulties and has been diagnosed with ADHD.

He added that his “extremely low IQ explains his levels of immaturity.”

Keely Harvey, added that her client, Nicola Kayley had been out trying to find her children at the time and that the incident was “fast moving and it was out of control”.

“She was not really thinking about what else was going on She knows that she perhaps acted on instinct rather than on good sense.”

Mark Florida-James, mitigating for Barry Kayley told the court he was 17 at the time and “wasn’t there when his brother was affectively inflicting the injuries.”