A Romsey barber shop has applied for new wooden signage.

King's Barbers, in Market Place, wants the new sign in timber with a capping and flat cut letters.

This is so it matches the style of the surrounding buildings. 

By Friday, May 31 no public comments had been submitted in objection or support. 

The application's planning statement said: "The signage takes in the client’s brand but also takes in the surrounding signage and listed building in which this is to be sited. The sign is also non illuminated."

Daily Echo: King's Barbers new sign plan

It added: “The sign will be installed to match the other building fascia that flank each side of this premises as the existing fascia is brick. This new sign can only enhance the building and the surrounding area.”

Two planning applications have been submitted to Test Valley Borough Council as it's a listed building.

For more details about the plans, search 24/01010/ADVS and 24/01027/LBWS.